August 26, 2016

Sold: 30,475 Shares of Stock in Hydrogen Engine Center, Inc (HYEG)!

Item Id: Blizzard01
Case Name: Blizzard, Kenneth P & Amy C
Case Number: 13 33382
Starting Minimum Bid: $2,500

Description: Estate’s interest in 30,475 shares of common stock in HEC-Tina (HYEG: US OTC-US)

Hydrogen Engine Center has been building hydrogen fueled engines since 2003. In 2004 HEC added engine controls and then combined these two technologies to build gensets. HEC was developed with the objective of producing distributive power, for industrial clients, fueled by alternative fuels, such as hydrogen, natural gas, anhydrous ammonia, methanol, propane, syn-gas, landfill gas and other alternative fuels.

As of 08/15/16, the 52 week high/low range of HEC stock has been a low of $0.12 and a high of $0.30.
Upon completion of the auction, a stock transfer assignment will be provided to the winning bidder. That new assignment must be submitted along with a Medallion Signature guarantee and a stock transfer fee following Hydrogen Engine Center procedures and policy.

Location Info: HEC is headquartered in Greeneville, Tennessee, outside of Knoxville.

Liens: We do not know of any other liens.

*Picture is of general area, not representative of actual property.*

Bidding Guide: Please review the bidding guide for terms of auction prior to placing a bid or making an offer..