Monthly Telephone Auction

Trustee Birdsell Court Ordered Sale



Phone auctions will be held on the last Friday of each month at 8:30AM (unless otherwise noticed)
Conference Call Number: 310‐372‐7549
Conference Call Pin: 831482
Where: 230 N. First Ave., Room 102 Phoenix, AZ 85003 (1st Ave. & Van Buren)
Viewing: public inspections run from 9 am – 1 pm on the Thursday before the Friday auction, more information is provided on the notice of sale
Contact varies per asset, please read the notice of sale


Auction Day Tips:
Call the number at least 5 minutes before the start of the first auction and make sure others can hear you on the line
Auctions are called in order of the calendar, unless otherwise announced at the beginning of the auction
Use your mute button unless you are actually bidding. Be mindful of background noise and interference on your end. The
new system allows the host to determine which line is causing the interference and disconnect it
There are no questions or comments allowed during the auctions.
Any caller commenting on an auction will be disconnected.