April 3, 2014

Sold: Vacant Land in Williams, Coconino County, Arizona!

Item Id: Thane-Zin03
Case Name: Thane, Naomi (AKA Zin, Nyo M)
Case Number: 12 13377
Starting Minimum Bid: $3,500

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Description: Estate’s interest in 36.3 acres of vacant land in Williams, Arizona. These are three parcels being sold as one in one auction. The properties are located at:

2913 Red Butte Road, Williams, AZ 86046
2977 Red Butte Road, Williams, AZ 86046
3033 Red Butte Road, Williams, AZ 86046

The lot sizes, in order, are: 10.01 acres (2913); 16.28 acres (2977) ; and 10.01 acres (3033)

The status of water, power, sewer and utilities is unknown. The road is dirt. The APN#’s are: 502-31-013-A, B, and C. The Account #’s are: R1053936/7/8. The legal descriptions are ‘Subdivision: South Rim Ranch Phase 1 Por Lot 13 Desc as Lot 13A per 3389894 Sixteenth: NE Quarter: NW Section: 20 Towsnhip: 27N Range: 3E Sixteenth: NW Quarter”’. (or identical with exception of ‘13B’). The lot at 2913 Red Butte is listed as ‘South Rim Ranch Phase 1 Por Lot 13 desc as Lot 13C’, etc.

2013 taxes were approximately $181.26 for the 16 acre parcel and $111.48 for each of the two 10 acre parcels and all three have not been paid. 2012 taxes were $$213.04 for the 16 acre, and $163.64 on each of the 10 acre parcels and have also not been paid. Total past due taxes and late fees are approximately $1,281.80 for the three parcels combined ($517.02 for the 16 acres, and $382.39 on each 10 acre lot), per the County treasurer’s office and may be slightly higher after 4/30/14.

Location Info: The properties are located approximately 21 miles south of the Grand Canyon National Park and near the Grand Canyon Railway track lines. Red Butte Road is a dirt road. They are west of the Kaibab Forest and Double Knots Peak and about 32 miles north of Williams and Interstate 40. Williams is located approximately 170 miles north of Phoenix.

Liens: There is a total due in past due taxes in the amount of approximately $1,281.80 per the County treasurer’s office. We do not know of any other liens.

*Picture is of general area, not representative of actual property.*

Bidding Guide: Please review the bkassets.com bidding guide for terms of auction prior to placing a bid or making an offer..