Item Id: Schneider01
Case Name: Schneider, Tracy L
Case Number: 22 30265
Starting Minimum Bid: $2,750

Description: Oil & Gas well mineral rights near Carbury, North Dakota in Bottineau County.
The Legal Description is:
Township 161 North, Range 76 West
“E ½, Section 9, 161-76
All of Section 10
NW ¼ Section 15 161-76’
Township 162 North, Range 76 West
SE ¼ Section 35 162-76
The debtor has a 6% interest in the rights
This auction, therefore, is for a 6% interest
Location Info: The mineral rights are located in far north Bottineau County near the Canadian border
Liens: We are not aware of any liens
Bidding Guide: Please review the bidding guide for terms of auction prior to placing a bid or making an offer..